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Chimney Sweep in a Box will remove soot and tar from chimneys and appliances burning wood increasing fireplace efficiency and help to prevent chimney fires.
Its unique formula is suited for all kinds of open fires, chimneys and stoves.

  • Fireplace function efficiency
  • Prevents flammable creosote buildup
  • Reduces risk of chimney fires


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Cleaning in the News

June 5 2024

Samba's solutions for a winter-ready chimney and indoor fireplace

Preparing for the chill: time to clean up the chimney As the nights continue to become crisper, it's essential to prep...


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September 5 2021

Healthy chimney, healthy home with Samba

When we think of rolling up our sleeves to start the annual spring-cleaning marathon, we often put tasks such as declut...


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August 22 2021

Samba has the Midas touch for chimney cleanliness with Chimney Cleaning Sachets

As we head into Spring, we not only think about dusting off the winter blues and embracing the warmer weather, it&rsquo...


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